Researchers Database

Mori Kumiko

    Department of Nursing Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/02/02

Researcher Information

Research funding number

  • 60468949

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • 母子保健,国際看護   

Published Papers


Research Grants & Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 森 久美子; 柳澤 理子
    今年度は最終年度で、ザンビア版母子健康手帳の完成と母子手帳を活かした妊婦健康診査システムを構築する年であったが、一昨年に引き続き研究施設があるザンビア共和国への渡航許可がでないため、妊婦健診カードやマタニティマーク、妊婦健診の啓発ポスターを現地に搬送することができず、現地での活動を進展させることができなかった。さらに、活動拠点である首都ルサカのChilenje Hospitalとのオンラインによる交流を通して活動を進展させることも検討したが、施設代表者とのオンラインアクセスが困難で、現地の情報が入手できず、訪問後の活動成果や新たな課題が確認できていない。 そこで、Chilenje Hospitalで活動を開始した時の看護部長との連絡を試みた。看護部長とは連絡がつき、活動開始当初から本活動に対して興味を示していてくれているため、次の施設候補として病院で活動が可能であるかを協議した。病院の規模がChikenje Hospitalより大きく、スタッフの人数も多く、さらに看護部長自身が助産師であるため活動のイメージが持てている。今後はKanyama Hospitalでの活動を追加し、看護部長を通じてChilenje Hospitalの情報も得て、2施設で進めていくことが確約できた。 ザンビア版の母子健康手帳作製については、以前現地スタッフにインタビューして得た母子健康手帳の掲載内容を吟味し、完成版案を進めている。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/06 -2020/03 
    Author : Mori Kumiko
    In Zambia, it is advisable that the initial Antenatal Care (ANC) has to be done in the 14th week of pregnancy and eight visits have to be done during the gestational period in order to find abnormalities at an earlier stage. The pregnant women themselves have to recognize necessity of the ANC, therefore, I looked for “the ANC Card” and “the Maternity Logo” to bear the importance to go to the ANC by pregnant women in cooperation with Zambian staffs. According to a field study, I determined whether the Card and the Logo were being used effectively and if not, then what steps should be taken, and considered improvements with Zambian midwives. During an initial visit to the ANC, pregnant women should be able to consult with Healthcare Volunteers. This gap was filled by adding a written explanation describing the significance of the ANC and providing medical knowledge needed during pregnancy, such as blood pressure levels for hypertension.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Mori Kumiko
    We aimed to construct of the maternal health care in developing countries targeting the reduction of stillbirth by strengthening the hardware and software aspects.As for the hardware aspect, the results were obtained by verifying that the fetal movement monitor can be used as a device for fetal screening even in areas where infrastructure development is inadequate. Regarding the software aspect, the assessment of the ability of the targeted pregnant women to conduct the survey clearly identified the tasks for collecting accurate data, and it was a result of reviewing the survey method.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2015/03 
    Author : MORI Kumiko; TAKATA Norimi; OKA Yasunori
    We aimed to support the pregnant women and fetus of rural community in Africa by introducing a handy fetal movement monitor which can measure the well-being of the fetus and prevent stillbirth. Survey with the local medical professional in Zambia was conducted, and introduction of fetal monitor was proved to be useful in the clinical setting of Zambia both in the urban hospitals and in the rural clinics.

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